vendredi 20 mars 2015

Dielectrics in Electric Fields

Discover nontraditional applications of dielectric studies in this exceptionally crafted field reference or text for seniors and graduate students in power engineering tracks. This text contains more than 800 display equations and discusses polarization phenomena in dielectrics, the complex dielectric constant in an alternating electric field, dielectric relaxation and interfacial polarization, the measurement of absorption and desorption currents in time domains, and high field conduction phenomena. Dielectrics in Electric Fields is an interdisciplinary reference and text for professionals and students in electrical and electronics, chemical, biochemical, and environmental engineering; physical, surface, and colloid chemistry; materials science; and chemical physics.
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Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview of the Technology, the Marketplace, and Government Regulation

Technological advances in generation, transmission, distribution, and system operation are changing and will continue to change the industry in the coming years. Fully updated to reflect recent changes to regulation, structure, and technology, this second edition of Understanding Electric Power Systems provides a real-world view of electric power systems, how they operate, how the organizations are structured, and how electricity is regulated and priced. Written for individuals in government, business, educational institutions, this updated version of a classic explains concepts and jargon of the electric power industry to the layperson.
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Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation (Power Engineering Willis)

Power interruptions of the scale of the North American Blackout of 2003 are rare, but they still loom as a possibility. Will the aging infrastructure fail because deregulated monopolies have no financial incentives to upgrade? Is centralized planning becoming subordinate to market forces? Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation, Second Edition provides an updated, non-technical description that sheds light on the nature of the industry and the issues involved in its transition away from a regulated environment. The book begins by broadly surveying the industry, from a regulated utility structure to the major concepts of de-regulation to the history of electricity, the technical aspects, and the business of power. Then, the authors delve into the technologies and functions on which the industry operates; the many ways that power is used; and the various means of power generation, including central generating stations, renewable energy, and single-household size generators. The authors then devote considerable attention to the details of regulation and de-regulation. To conclude, one new chapter examines aging infrastructures and reliability of service, while another explores the causes of blackouts and how they can be prevented. Based on the authors' extensive experience, Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation, Second Edition offers an up-to-date perspective on the major issues impacting the daily operations as well as the long-term future of the electric utilities industry.
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Uncertainty in the Electric Power Industry: Methods and Models for Decision Support (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

Around the world, liberalization and privatization in the electricity industry have lead to increased competition among utilities. At the same time, utilities are now exposed more than ever to risk and uncertainties, which they cannot pass on to their customers through price increases as in a regulated environment. Especially electricity-generating companies have to face volatile wholesale prices, fuel price uncertainty, limited long-term hedging possibilities and huge, to a large extent, sunk investments. In this context, Uncertainty in the Electric Power Industry: Methods and Models for Decision Support aims at an integrative view on the decision problems that power companies have to tackle. It systematically examines the uncertainties power companies are facing and develops models to describe them - including an innovative approach combining fundamental and finance models for price modeling. The optimization of generation and trading portfolios under uncertainty is discussed with particular focus on CHP and is linked to risk management. Here the concept of integral earnings at risk is developed to provide a theoretically sound combination of value at risk and profit at risk approaches, adapted to real market structures and market liquidity. Also methods for supporting long-term investment decisions are presented: technology assessment based on experience curves and operation simulation for fuel cells and a real options approach with endogenous electricity prices.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Synchronous Generators (The Electric Generators Handbook)

Surveying the technologies used to satisfy the world's demand for open, efficient, and clean electricity, Synchronous Generators provides an in-depth examination of synchronous generators for both stand-alone and grid-connected applications. Part of The Electric Generators Handbook, Two-Volume Set, this book offers authoritative, tightly focused treatment of the topologies, steady state and transients modeling, performance, control, design, and testing of stand-alone and grid-connected generators in synchronous operation. Synchronous Generators offers a thorough introduction to electrical energy and electricity generation, including the basic principles of electric generators. The book devotes a chapter to the most representative prime mover models for transients used in active control of various generators. Then, individual chapters explore the topologies and steady state of large and medium-power synchronous generators; modeling and transients; control in power systems; design, including simple cases; and testing. Numerous examples, sample results, and illustrations highlight the concepts. The promise of renewable, sustainable energy rests on our ability to design innovative power systems that are able to harness energy from a variety of sources. Synchronous Generators supplies the tools necessary to design, validate, and deploy the right power generation technologies to fulfill tomorrow's complex energy needs.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Radio and Electronics Co.okbook

A collection of electronics projects for electronics enthusiasts and experimenters.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics (Practical Professional Books)

Typical practical applications of VSDs in process control and materials handling, such as those for pumping, ventilation, conveyers, compressors and hoists are covered in detail. · Provides a fundamental understanding of the installation, operation and troubleshooting of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) · Includes practical coverage of key topics such as troubleshooting, control wiring, operating modes, braking types, automatic restart, harmonics, electrostatic discharge and EMC/EMI issues · Essential reading for electrical engineers and those using VSDs for applications such as pumping, ventilation, conveyors and hoists in process control, materials handling and other industrial contexts.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Power Transformers: Principles And Applications

Complete with equations, illustrations, and tables, this book covers the basic theory of electric power transformers, its application to transformer designs, and their application in utility and industrial power systems. The author presents the principles of the two-winding transformer and its connection to polyphase systems, the origins of transformer losses, autotransformers, and three-winding transformers and compares different types of transformer coil and coil construction. He describes the effects of short circuits on transformers, the design and maintenance of ancillary equipment, and preventative and predictive maintenance practices for extending transformer life.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Power Electronics Design A Practitioner's Guide

This book serves as an invaluable reference to Power Electronics Design, covering the application of high-power semiconductor technology to large motor drives, power supplies, power conversion equipment, electric utility auxiliaries and numerous other applications.

Design engineers, design drafters and technicians in the power electronics industry, as well as students studying power electronics in various contexts, will benefit from Keith Sueker's decades of experience in the industry. With this experience, the author has put the overall power electronics design process in the context of primary electronic components and the many associated components required for a system.

The seeming complexity of power electronics design is made transparent with Keith Sueker's simple, direct language and a minimum reliance on mathematics. Readers will come away with a wealth of practical design information that has hundreds of explanatory diagrams to support it, having also seen many examples of potential pitfalls in the design process.

* A down-to-earth approach, free of complex jargon and esoteric information.

* Over 200 illustrations to clarify discussion points.

* Examples of costly design goofs will provide invaluable cautionary advice.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Electric Power Transformer Engineering

Electric Power Transformer Engineering, Third Edition expounds the latest information and developments to engineers who are familiar with basic principles and applications, perhaps including a hands-on working knowledge of power transformers. Targeting all from the merely curious to seasoned professionals and acknowledged experts, its content is structured to enable readers to easily access essential material in order to appreciate the many facets of an electric power transformer. Topically structured in three parts, the book: Illustrates for electrical engineers the relevant theories and principles (concepts and mathematics) of power transformers Devotes complete chapters to each of 10 particular embodiments of power transformers, including power, distribution, phase-shifting, rectifier, dry-type, and instrument transformers, as well as step-voltage regulators, constant-voltage transformers, transformers for wind turbine generators and photovoltaic applications, and reactors Addresses 14 ancillary topics including insulation, bushings, load tap changers, thermal performance, testing, protection, audible sound, failure analysis, installation and maintenance and more As with the other books in the series, this one supplies a high level of detail and, more importantly, a tutorial style of writing and use of photographs and graphics to help the reader understand the material. Important chapters have been retained from the second edition; most have been significantly expanded and updated for this third installment. Each chapter is replete with photographs, equations, and tabular data, and this edition includes a new chapter on transformers for use with wind turbine generators and distributed photovoltaic arrays. Jim Harlow and his esteemed group of contributors offer a glimpse into the enthusiastic community of power transformer engineers responsible for this outstanding and best-selling work.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires

Electric Machinery

The exciting new sixth edition of "Electric Machinery" has been extensively updated while retaining the emphasis on fundamental principles and physical understanding that has been the outstanding feature of this classic book. This book covers fundamental concepts in detail as well as advanced topics for readers who wish to cover the material in more depth. Several new chapters have been added, including a chapter on power electronics, as well as one on speed and torque control of DC and AC motors. This edition has also been expanded with additional examples and practice problems. The use of MATLAB has been introduced to the new edition, both in examples within the text as well as in the chapter problems.
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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   1 commentaires


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publié par admin @ mars 20, 2015   0 commentaires